(216) 961-2727


YEAR OF QUI WATER BOAR 4682 Eighth Moon: The Moon of Contempl-

1448 West 32nd St. ation. Gather together and evaluate



All Day


All Night

what has developed and matured, good and bad. Be worthy of self-respect.

RAT. 1900-12-124-136-148-160-172.

(Female Dog)

Examine your feelings of others compared with what you do. This is the time to get rid of those characteristics that hold you back. Although things may be difficult, don't become impracticable or impersonal.

OX. 1901-113-125-137-149-161-'73

(Female Cock) Reflect and consider your alternatives. Things. have reached a point where you can work with them now. Recover any lost ground-you can count on the help you need.

TIGER 1902-114-126-138-150-162-174 (Female Monkey)

Watch expenditures this month; put your emphasis on career goals.. To command respect, you must have the qualities necessary. Examine your stance thoroughly.

CAT. 1903-115-127-139-151-'63-175 (Female Ram) The difficult stresses of the summer should now begin to wane. This is the time for you to consider and to act for your best interests. Be sure to resolve your obligations.

DRAGON 1904-116-128-40-152-164-176 (Female Horse)

Look beneath the surface and remove what is not harmonious with the times or the needs you have.. Use some of your energy to attain success. Go for it.


by Jym

1905-117-129-141-153-165-177 (Female Snake)

Allow this to be a quiet time for you to appraise your long-term goals. Use your strong feelings to accept no failure. Don't compromise. You can attain thru prolonged effort HORSE. 1906-118-130-142-1 54-166-178 (Female Dragon)

Remain blameless and remove all barriers that hold you back from achievement. Develop a charitable character. Success and completion are within your reach.

RAM. 1907-19-131-143-155-'67-'79 (Female Cat)

You need to contemplate on what tommorrow will bring. If you don't like your today-change-make it better. Don't be impatient: be intentional and precise. MONKEY. 1908-120-132-144-156-168-'80 (Female Tiger)

Consider what you give and what you take. Success can come if you will be willing to take one step at a time, all in proper order. It will come but it will take a little longer. COCK. 1909-121-133-145-157-169-181

(Female OX.)

You will need to organize your life. Become solid and reliable -not heregone tommorrow. You need an undeluded view of the actual truth. Look within.

DOG. 1910-122-134-146-158-170-182. (Female Rat.)

You could be well rounded if you choose; but you will have to mature. You need to reflect upon your self and recognize those qualitites that need to change. Peruse. BOAR. 1911-123-135-147-159-'71-'82

(Female Boar)

Get back to the business at hand. Things should brighten up for you. Take care of your self and start living. Life can be worthwhile.